Time really flies by when you are having fun! I can't believe my little man is two months old!!
At your two month check up, you weighed 10 pounds 12 ounces!
This puts you in the 32 percentile! You are definitely filling out, and I love your chubby legs!
22 1/2 inches long!
This puts you in the 36 percentile! I think you will be tall like Daddy!
Clothing Size:
We have started putting you in 0-3 month clothing! It is still a little big, but the newborn is starting to get snug! You can still wear most newborn outfits, but you've grown out of most of the sleepers!
Diaper Size:
We've moved you up to size one diapers! Newborn still fits, but we ran out! Instead of buying more, we opened the size ones - we have plenty of these, and you don't seem to mind!
You still have a great appetite! During the day, you like to eat every 2 - 3 hours, with an occasional 4 hour stretch. You get your last feeding between 10 and 10:30 p.m., and you will sleep until around 5 a.m.!
Your hair is getting more of a red tint! It is still light, and I've enjoyed watching it change. Since birth, it has been very thin on top and thicker in the back - it is starting to fill in on top! Your eyes are still blue(ish). When you wear blue, they really stand out. At other times they look a little gray.
You are a fantastic sleeper! You've started sleeping 6-7 hours at night! You love the mornings, and you go back to sleep for the afternoons! You still sleep a lot!
You are really starting to interact with us! You little face lights up in the morning, and your smile melts my heart! Your neck is getting so strong, and you like to look around. You like your swing, but it has to be on the highest speed! You like to be moving! You also love bath time! You get so relaxed. I think you are going to be a little fish one day! You've also discovered your tongue, and you think it is pretty cool!
Here are some pictures from the past month.
Happy Two Months Jeremiah!